In the vast theater of the universe, where the laws of physics govern the existence of galaxies, a recent discovery has stirred the accepted beliefs regarding the very composition of the cosmos. In 2018, astronomers announced with astonishment the presence of a galaxy known as NGC 1052-DF2, which seems to defy the fundamental rules of astronomy: this galaxy appears to contain little to no dark matter.
Dark matter is an enigmatic component of the universe that eludes direct observation, neither emitting, absorbing, nor reflecting light. Its existence is commonly inferred from the gravitational effects it exerts on ordinary matter, such as stars and galaxies. However, NGC 1052-DF2 seems to challenge this convention, opening new frontiers in the understanding of galaxies and dark matter itself.
Dark matter is an enigmatic component of the universe that eludes direct observation, neither emitting, absorbing, nor reflecting light. Its existence is commonly inferred from the gravitational effects it exerts on ordinary matter, such as stars and galaxies. However, NGC 1052-DF2 seems to challenge this convention, opening new frontiers in the understanding of galaxies and dark matter itself.